LinkedIn Profile Optimisation

Stand Out and Excel With an Impressive Profile.

After reviewing your CV, recruiters will often turn to your LinkedIn profile. What does it currently convey about you?

Making a strong first impression is crucial, especially when competing with other motivated job seekers. Are you concerned your profile may be undermining your chances?

The CV Mentors can refresh your LinkedIn profile, ensuring it makes a positive impact and boosts your confidence when engaging with potential employers.

How does it work?


Send Us Your LinkedIn Profile URL

This is the first step where we capture all the essential elements for your LinkedIn profile including your experience, skills, memberships and career goals. You can also send us your CV at checkout to provide us with additional information.


Keyword Research

We research your industry keywords with your career goals in mind. We then optimise the content of your LinkedIn profile with these terms.


Profile Creation

Your LinkedIn profile is then crafted by an expert writer. We revamp your entire profile from top to bottom, including your Headline, About section, Featured summary, Experience, Education, Volunteer Experience, Skills & Endorsements, Recommendations and Interests.


Update Instructions

We will give you detailed, easy to understand instructions on how to update your LinkedIn Profile with additional hints and tips to maximise its results.

professional linkedin profile service in UK
Reviewed on

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our consultants will work with you until you are
happy with your order – you get unlimited
amendments with your CV, Cover Letter, Personal
Statement or LinkedIn Profile.

Case Study

Does this feel familiar?

Many people feel uncertain about LinkedIn. They recognize its potential to advance their careers but aren’t sure where to begin, often fearing that they might end up making things worse. At The CV Mentors, we help you navigate these concerns and build a strong LinkedIn presence.

After seeking assistance from The CV Mentors, she felt a sense of relief. With newfound confidence in her digital profile, she took the initiative to contact her ideal employer and successfully arranged a meeting to explore potential opportunities.

A representative from The CV Mentors delivering a presentation

Top-Rated on Trustpilot!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our consultants will work with you until you are
happy with your order – you get unlimited
amendments with your CV, Cover Letter, Personal
Statement or LinkedIn Profile.

Why Choose The cv mentors

Working with our team, you'll receive the following benefits:

cv writing